No.19 Calabar Street, Igoli Ogoja. Cross River State
About Us

We Help People In Need Around The World

A passionate leader with first class communication skills and a long track record of successfully management.

Alex Ajor, Founder

Building a Just and Sustainable World: Our vision is of a world where every person, regardless of their background or circumstances, has the opportunity to lead a dignified and fulfilling life. We envision vibrant, inclusive communities where people live in harmony with each other and the environment. Through our dedicated efforts, we strive to eradicate poverty, promote social justice, and ensure equal access to education, healthcare, and opportunities. We aspire to create a future where every individual's potential is realized, where compassion and empathy prevail, and where humanity works together to protect the planet for generations to come.

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Feature Causes

Everybody Deserves The Opportunity To Learn and live a Good Life.

Education For African Children

Education is a key to breaking the cycle of poverty, promoting equality, and ensuring the overall development and well-being of individuals and societies. When children have access to quality education, they are empowered with knowledge and skills that can transform their lives and the communities they live in.

Food Relief
Food and Cash Relief

This programs aim to provide nutritious meals to individuals and families who do not have access to an adequate food supply. This helps in preventing malnutrition and starvation, especially among vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly.

Healthy Life
Ensure Medical Treatment and Relief material

A thorough physical examination is conducted to check various body systems. This may include examining the eyes, ears, nose, throat, skin, heart, lungs, abdomen, and musculoskeletal system.

What We Do

Learn More About What We Do, And Get Involved

Building a Just and Sustainable World: Our vision is of a world where every person, regardless of their background or circumstances, has the opportunity to lead a dignified and fulfilling life. We envision vibrant, inclusive communities where people live in harmony with each other and the environment. Through our dedicated efforts, we strive to eradicate poverty, promote social justice, and ensure equal access to education, healthcare, and opportunities. We aspire to create a future where every individual's potential is realized, where compassion and empathy prevail, and where humanity works together to protect the planet for generations to come.

Child Education

Investing in education to stimulate the society and providing for a girl child.

Medical Treatment

Medical outreach for those in rural communities, and distribution of medical aids to the disable.

Food Distribution

Giving out food and relief materials to lepers.

Team Members

Let's Meet With Our Ordinary Soldiers

Don Alex Ajor


Isa Mohammed Sani


Oko Stephen
